Leviathan is a science fiction novel written by Scott Westerfeld. The story is set in a future world where two warring factions, the Darwinists and the Clankers, are fighting for control. The Darwinists use genetically engineered creatures as weapons, while the Clankers rely on steam-powered machines.
The main character, Alek, is the son of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. After his parents are assassinated, Alek is forced to flee and join the Clanker forces. Along the way, he meets Deryn, a girl disguised as a boy in order to serve in the British Air Service.
As Alek and Deryn navigate the dangers of war, they must confront their own beliefs and loyalties. The novel explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the consequences of war.
Leviathan is the first book in a trilogy and has received critical acclaim for its world-building and character development. It is a thrilling adventure that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.
Play | Title | Artist |
Akhnaten -Act 1 - Prelude: Refrain, Verse 1, Verse 2
Philip Glass: