Britain's Got More Talent is a British television show that airs on ITV2. The show is a spin-off of the popular talent competition Britain's Got Talent. Unlike the main show, Britain's Got More Talent focuses on the behind-the-scenes antics and interviews with the contestants and judges.
The host of Britain's Got More Talent is Stephen Mulhern, who brings his unique brand of humor and charm to the show. Mulhern interacts with the contestants and judges, providing a more light-hearted and comedic take on the talent competition.
Britain's Got More Talent has been praised for its entertaining and fun approach to the talent show format. The show has become a fan favorite for viewers who enjoy seeing the more playful side of the contestants and judges.
Overall, Britain's Got More Talent offers a fresh and entertaining perspective on the world of talent competitions, making it a must-watch for fans of Britain's Got Talent.