Cargo 200 is a Russian thriller film directed by Alexei Balabanov. The story is set in the Soviet Union in the late 1980s, during the final years of the regime. The film follows a young woman who is kidnapped and held captive by a group of criminals. As she struggles to survive in captivity, she uncovers a dark world of corruption, violence, and depravity.
The title of the film, Cargo 200, refers to the code used by the Soviet military to designate the transportation of dead bodies. This grim detail sets the tone for the dark and disturbing events that unfold in the movie.
Cargo 200 is a harrowing and intense film that explores the darker aspects of Soviet society and the human capacity for cruelty. It has been praised for its gritty realism and powerful performances, but also criticized for its graphic violence and disturbing subject matter.