"Carjacked" is a thrilling action film that follows the story of a young woman named Sarah who becomes the victim of a carjacking while driving home from work one night. As she is forced out of her car at gunpoint, Sarah must find a way to outsmart her captor and escape before it's too late.
With heart-pounding chase scenes and suspenseful twists, "Carjacked" keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as Sarah fights for her life and tries to outwit the criminal who has taken control of her vehicle.
As the tension mounts and the stakes get higher, Sarah must rely on her wits and resourcefulness to outmaneuver her captor and make a daring escape. Will she be able to outsmart the carjacker and regain control of her life, or will she become another victim of a ruthless criminal?
Play | Title | Artist |
Riding The Crest of a Wave
Road rage