"Cats Don't Dance" is a 1997 animated musical comedy film that follows the story of a talented cat named Danny who moves to Hollywood with dreams of becoming a famous dancer. However, he soon discovers that animals are not taken seriously in the entertainment industry and are only given minor roles. Determined to prove himself, Danny rallies his fellow animal friends to fight against the discrimination they face.
As they work together to showcase their talents, they encounter obstacles and setbacks but ultimately find success in the end. The film delivers a powerful message about perseverance, friendship, and the importance of standing up for what you believe in.
With catchy musical numbers and colorful animation, "Cats Don't Dance" is a heartwarming and entertaining film that will inspire audiences of all ages.
Play | Title | Artist |
Cats Don't Dance
Danny's Arrival Song
Little Boat On The Sea
Randy Newman:
Randy Newman: Produced Steve Goldstein: Arrangement Lindsay Ridgeway: Performer |
Animal Jam Session
Big and Loud
Randy Newman:
Randy Newman: Produced Steve Goldstein: Arrangement Lindsay Ridgeway: Performer |
Tell Me Lies
Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now
Our Time Has Come
Martin Page:
James Ingram: Performer Steve Goldstein: Arrangement Steve Goldstein: Produced |
I Do Believe
Tonight I'm Going Out with You
Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag
Pizzicato from 'Sylvia'
La Cumparsita