Chasing the Flame Soundtrack (

Chasing the Flame Soundtrack (2009) cover

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Rating: 7.40/10 from 968 votes
Tags: sergio vieira de mello character, brazilian diplomat
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Sergio is a biographical drama film that tells the story of Sergio Vieira de Mello, a Brazilian diplomat who dedicated his life to humanitarian work. The film follows Sergio as he navigates the complexities of international diplomacy and peacekeeping missions in some of the world's most dangerous regions.

As Sergio faces numerous challenges and risks in his work, the film also delves into his personal life and relationships, shedding light on the sacrifices he made for his career. Through flashbacks and interviews with colleagues and loved ones, viewers gain insight into the man behind the diplomat.

Sergio is a poignant and powerful portrayal of a remarkable individual who dedicated his life to making the world a better place. The film highlights the importance of compassion, courage, and resilience in the face of adversity.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Chasing the Flame
The Ecstasy of Gold - L'Estasi Dell'oro
For a Few Dollars More - Main Theme
For a Few Dollars More: Watch Chimes (Carillon's Theme)
Giu la testa - Originale
C'era una volta il West
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - Il Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo (Titles)
Il Mio Nome è Nessuno (Main Title)
Per un pugno di dollari - Titoli
Mucchio selvaggio
Giù la Testa - A Fistful of Dynamite - Remastered
Per un pugno di dollari - Version 2
Il Mio Nome è Nessuno
Father Ramirez - Padre Ramirez
The Trio - Il Triello - Extended Version
Quasi morto
Square dance
La reazione
Senza pietà
A Fistful of Dollars Suite
For a Few Dollars More: Watch Chimes - Carillion's Theme (2nd Version)
For a Few Dollars More: Prison Break
The Sundown - Il Tramonto
For a Few Dollars More: Discovered
For a Few Dollars More: Chapel Shootout
For a Few Dollars More: Mortimer & The Chest
For a Few Dollars More: Slim Murdered
For a Few Dollars More: Indio & Nino
For a Few Dollars More: The Wild One
For a Few Dollars More: Indio's Flashback
For a Few Dollars More: To el Paso
Sentence - Sentenza
Escape on a Horse - Fuga a Cavallo
The Rope Bridge - Il Ponte Di Corde
The Strong - Il Forte
Chase - Inseguimento
The Desert - Il Deserto
The Carriage of the Spirits - La Carrozza Dei Fantasmi
Saint Anthony Mission - La Missione San Antonio
Marcia - Marcetta
The Story of a Soldier - La Storia Di Un Soldato
The Military Train - Il Treno Militare
The End of a Spy - Fine Di Una Spia
The Bandit With Missing Hand - Il Bandito Monco
Two againts Five - Due Contro Cinque
Marcia Without Hope - Marcetta Senza Speranza
Death of Soldier - Morte Di Un Soldato
Buona fortuna Jack
Se sei qualcuno è colpa mia
Con i migliori auguri
Uno strano barbiere
Più delle valchirie
Una insolita attesa
Balletto degli specchi
La favola dell'uccellino
Buona fortuna Jack - Version 2
Mucchio selvaggio - Version 2
Uno strano barbiere - Version 2
Il Mio Nome è Nessuno - Version 2
Se sei qualcuno è colpa mia - Version 2
Sergio - Opening Credits
Philip Sheppard: Performer
My Name Is Sergio
Philip Sheppard: Performer
August 19th
Philip Sheppard: Performer
Reasons to Feel Optimistic
Philip Sheppard: Performer
The UN Is a Target
Philip Sheppard: Performer
Philip Sheppard: Performer
I Couldn't Hear
Philip Sheppard: Performer
Follow the Smoke
Philip Sheppard: Performer
Look for Them
Philip Sheppard: Performer
Stay With Me
Philip Sheppard: Performer
Always a Happy Boy
Philip Sheppard: Performer
Philip Sheppard: Performer
Come On Down
Philip Sheppard: Performer
Like 007
Philip Sheppard: Performer
Golden Hour
Philip Sheppard: Performer
Meeting Place
Philip Sheppard: Performer
East Timor
Philip Sheppard: Performer
Evening Run
Philip Sheppard: Performer
I Put My Head On Him
Philip Sheppard: Performer
News Reaches Home
Philip Sheppard: Performer
Philip Sheppard: Performer
Always Just Sergio
Philip Sheppard: Performer
Goodbye and Good Luck - End Credits
Philip Sheppard: Performer

User reviews

Ronald Harris

I found the soundtrack of Chasing the Flame to be quite underwhelming. The music did not effectively capture the emotional depth and intensity of Sergio's story, leaving me feeling disconnected from the film's powerful narrative.

Brian Allen

The music in the film effectively conveys the sense of tension and urgency present in Sergio's diplomatic missions, creating a sense of suspense and drama that keeps viewers engaged.

Carol Thompson

Overall, the soundtrack of Chasing the Flame is a masterful work of art that elevates the film to new heights and resonates with viewers on a deep, emotional level.

Margaret Baker

Overall, the music in Chasing the Flame elevates the storytelling and serves as a powerful emotional anchor, enhancing the audience's connection to Sergio's journey and legacy.

Karen White

The soundtrack seamlessly weaves in traditional Brazilian music elements, paying homage to Sergio's heritage and adding an extra layer of authenticity to the film.

Anthony Gonzalez

The soundtrack features a blend of orchestral arrangements and subtle melodies that create a sense of introspection and contemplation, mirroring Sergio's inner struggles and triumphs.

Betty Thompson

The music in Chasing the Flame is a powerful storytelling tool that enhances the film's impact and leaves a lasting impression on the audience.

Patricia Hill

The soundtrack of Chasing the Flame perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of Sergio's journey. Each composition beautifully enhances the storytelling, evoking a sense of empathy and admiration for Sergio's character.

Sarah Johnson

The use of different musical motifs throughout the film helps to underscore the various aspects of Sergio's character, from his dedication to his work to the personal sacrifices he made along the way.

Laura Hernandez

The soundtrack of Chasing the Flame perfectly captures the emotional depth of Sergio's story, enhancing the viewing experience with its evocative melodies and themes.

Andrew Smith

Listening to the music from Chasing the Flame evokes a profound sense of empathy and admiration for Sergio's unwavering commitment to humanitarian work.

Dorothy Thomas

The soundtrack's emotional depth and nuanced composition add layers of complexity to the storytelling, immersing the audience in Sergio's world and experiences.

Betty Thompson

Additionally, I felt that the musical choices in Chasing the Flame lacked originality and failed to enhance the overall viewing experience. The repetitive use of generic orchestral pieces did not add any unique or memorable elements to the film, ultimately diminishing its impact on me as a viewer.

Mary Robinson

Each track in the soundtrack perfectly complements the different stages of Sergio's life and career, enhancing the storytelling and emotional impact of the film.

Susan Perez

The music in Chasing the Flame effectively conveys the themes of compassion, courage, and resilience that are central to Sergio's story.

Deborah Moore

The soundtrack of Chasing the Flame beautifully captures the emotional depth and complexity of Sergio's journey.

Kenneth Lopez

The music in Chasing the Flame effectively conveys the themes of compassion, courage, and resilience portrayed in the film. The powerful melodies and haunting tones create a profound connection with the audience, making Sergio's story even more impactful and memorable.