Choose Me Soundtrack (

Choose Me Soundtrack (1984) cover

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Rating: 6.80/10 from 3100 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:


Title in Italiano:

Choose me - Prendimi

Title in Português:

O Passageiro da Noite

Title in Français:

Choose Me


During the mid 80's Alan Rudolph became one of the most interesting ensemble cast filmmakers since Robert Altman.

His quirky boutique dramas had style and flair and a touch of the 80's hip angst.

This is my favorite of that time.

The art direction and camera movements are as much story tellers as the dialogue. Pay attention to the paintings and posters in the scenes. They almost always have a subtext comment to the exact scene being spoken by the actors.

And Rudolph loves to let his actors act!

There is a brilliant scene where Mickey (Keith Carradine) is eating breakfast with Nancy/Ann (Geneviève Bujold). The camera pulls back, zooms in and pans like a tennis match as the actors go thru an unbroken 3 plus minute dialog scene. I haven't seen a scene go that long since the opening of Rope!

This film is full of great dialog, style and fun!

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Choose Me
Choose Me (You're My Choice Tonight)
Teddy Pendergrass: Performer
Luther Vandross: Writer
Luther Vandross: Produced
And If I Had
Teddy Pendergrass: Performer
Kenny Gamble: Writer
Kenny Gamble: Produced
In My Time
Teddy Pendergrass: Performer
Michael Masser: Writer
Michael Masser: Produced
Trouble in Mind
Archie Shepp: Performer
Goin' Down Slow
Archie Shepp: Performer
How Long Blues
Archie Shepp: Performer
Goodbye Mr. Evans
Phil Woods: Writer
Gee Qiz
Toots Hibbert: Writer
Chris Blackwell: Produced
King Tubby Meets the Rockers Uptown
Augustus Pablo: Performer
Augustus Pablo: Writer
Augustus Pablo: Produced

User reviews

Michelle Thomas

The soundtrack of Choose Me is simply mesmerizing. The mix of 80's hip angst and quirky style perfectly complements the captivating ensemble cast. The music sets the mood for each scene, enhancing the emotional depth and adding another layer to the storytelling.

Charles Roberts

I appreciate how the soundtrack enhances the storytelling, almost like a character of its own.

Anthony Thompson

The use of music in conjunction with the art direction and camera movements creates a unique and immersive experience for the audience.

Margaret Allen

Overall, the soundtrack of Choose Me is a standout element that elevates the film to another level.

Margaret Thompson

The soundtrack of Choose Me perfectly captures the quirky and stylish atmosphere of the film.

Margaret Lee

The use of art direction and camera movements in Choose Me is absolutely brilliant. The attention to detail, from the paintings and posters in the background to the subtle subtext comments, adds a whole new dimension to the viewing experience. The way the visuals and music work together in this film is a true testament to Alan Rudolph's creative vision and storytelling prowess.

Donald Young

The soundtrack perfectly complements the brilliant acting performances, allowing the actors to shine in their roles.

Amanda Hill

The soundtrack of Choose Me failed to capture the essence and mood of the film, leaving me feeling disconnected from the story and characters.

Donna Hall

The music choices felt outdated and cliché, lacking originality and failing to enhance the overall viewing experience of the film.

Emily Smith

The music adds a layer of hip angst that complements the 80's vibe of the movie.

Joseph Davis

I love how the music sets the tone for the dialogues, adding depth and emotion to the scenes.