Christmas Cupid Soundtrack (

Christmas Cupid Soundtrack (2010) cover

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Rating: 5.60/10 from 3447 votes
Tags: publicity, pr manager, spider car
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Las Navidad de Cupid

Title in Italiano:

Cupido a Natale

Title in Português:

Cupido de Natal

Title in Français:

L'ange des neiges


Sloane is a beautiful, stylish woman on the fast track to success in her public relations firm when a starlet client, Caitlin, dies. Caitlin immediately becomes Sloane's own personal "Jacob Marley" (the Christmas Carol ghost) ushering in the spirits of Christmas past, present, and future - all in the guises of Sloane's former boyfriends. Sloane finds out first hand that her unethical ways and workaholic habits need to change and that reuniting with one of the past lovers whom she jilted may be the answer for a happy-ever-after life.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Christmas Cupid
Deck the Halls
Thomas Oliphant: Traditional tune, lyrics
Eric Goldman: Produced
Amber Stevens West: Performer
I'm Into It
Simone Sello: Writer
Silent Night Dance Version
Franz Xaver Gruber: Writer
Stefan Svensson: Performer
Stefan Svensson: Arrangement