Christmas in Homestead tells the story of widowed Iowa small town Homestead mayor Matt Larson, who runs the only town inn with his sister Zoe since their parents retired. Matt gives priority to preserving its cozy local Christmas traditions, but is outvoted in town council to allow the disruptive shooting just then of scenes for a rom-com.
Matt's pre-teen daughter Sophie is a devoted fan of the star and producer, Jessica McEllis, hence tickled pink she and some more film people stay in their inn. To each's surprise, and Jessica's dumping-resilient ex and film co-star Vince Hawkins's initial jealousy, spending time with his family creates a bond between Matt and Jessica.
Meanwhile paparazzo Ian Carter is after a saucy picture, befriends Zoe and gets one semi-accidentally, so hot he hesitates whether to sell it.
Play | Title | Artist |
Christmas in Homestead
That's What Christmas Means to Me
Tim Feehan:
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Silent Night
Jingle Bells
The First Noel
Britlin Lee Furst: