Cleopatra 2525 is a science fiction television series that follows the adventures of three women in the year 2525. The show is set in a post-apocalyptic future where the Earth has been taken over by machines and humans are forced to live underground.
The main character, Cleopatra, is a young woman who wakes up after being cryogenically frozen for over 500 years. She teams up with two other women, Hel and Sarge, to fight against the machines and free humanity from their control.
Together, the three women embark on a series of missions to take down the machines and uncover the truth about what happened to the Earth. Along the way, they encounter various challenges and obstacles, but they never give up in their quest to save humanity.
Cleopatra 2525 is a thrilling and action-packed series that explores themes of survival, friendship, and the power of women. It is a must-watch for fans of science fiction and strong female characters.