Colossal Youth is a film that follows the life of a young man named Pedro, who is struggling to find his place in the world. After being abandoned by his wife, Pedro is left to care for his three daughters on his own. As he navigates the challenges of single parenthood, Pedro also grapples with his own feelings of loneliness and inadequacy.
Throughout the film, Pedro seeks solace in the company of his friends and family, but ultimately finds himself feeling isolated and disconnected from those around him. As he tries to make sense of his life and find a sense of purpose, Pedro is forced to confront his own demons and come to terms with his past.
Colossal Youth is a poignant and powerful exploration of the complexities of human relationships and the struggles we all face in trying to find our place in the world. Through Pedro's journey, the film offers a moving and honest portrayal of the universal themes of love, loss, and redemption.