Combat Shock Soundtrack (

Combat Shock Soundtrack (1984) cover

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Rating: 6.40/10 from 3200 votes
Tags: splatterpunk, iv drug use, baby in oven, child in oven
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Fuerza en combate

Title in Italiano:

Combat Shock

Title in Português:

Combat Shock


Combat Shock is a 1986 American independent war film directed by Buddy Giovinazzo. The film follows the story of a Vietnam War veteran named Frankie Dunlan, who struggles to adjust to civilian life after returning home from the war.

Haunted by the horrors he witnessed in Vietnam, Frankie is unable to find a job and is living in poverty with his wife and baby in a run-down apartment in Staten Island.

As he faces mounting pressure and despair, Frankie's mental state deteriorates, leading him to make a series of increasingly desperate and violent decisions.

The film is a bleak and harrowing portrayal of the psychological toll of war and the challenges faced by veterans upon their return home.

Combat Shock received mixed reviews upon its release but has since gained a cult following for its raw and uncompromising depiction of the effects of war on the human psyche.

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Combat Shock

User reviews

Kimberly Robinson

The music in Combat Shock enhances the gritty and raw nature of the film, adding another layer of intensity to the viewing experience.

Betty Miller

The repetitive and jarring sounds in the soundtrack of Combat Shock became a distracting element, taking away from the overall viewing experience. Instead of complementing the narrative, the music felt out of place and disjointed, failing to create a cohesive atmosphere.

Laura Perez

Overall, the music in Combat Shock is a powerful and integral part of the film, effectively conveying the emotional depth and complexity of the story.

James Turner

The haunting melodies and dissonant tones in the soundtrack evoke a sense of hopelessness and despair, perfectly complementing the themes of the film.

Kenneth Campbell

The use of sound effects and ambient noises in the soundtrack creates a sense of unease and tension, mirroring Frankie's state of mind.

Mary King

The music enhances the sense of isolation and hopelessness that pervades the story, adding an extra layer of emotional depth to the narrative.

Lisa Green

The soundtrack's minimalistic approach mirrors the stark and gritty visuals of the movie, intensifying the impact of the harrowing story being told.

John Perez

Overall, the music in Combat Shock is a vital component of the film's atmosphere, contributing significantly to its raw and uncompromising portrayal of the effects of war on the human psyche.

Dorothy Scott

The soundtrack's unconventional and experimental nature adds a layer of unpredictability to the film, mirroring the chaotic and unpredictable nature of Frankie's mental state.

Michael Evans

The soundtrack of Combat Shock skillfully builds suspense and enhances the overall sense of dread and foreboding throughout the movie.

Matthew Roberts

The soundtrack of Combat Shock failed to enhance the emotional depth of the film, lacking in subtlety and nuance. The music felt intrusive and disconnected, often overpowering the intense moments on screen.

George Perez

The use of sparse instrumentation and ambient sounds creates an unsettling and tense mood throughout the film, underscoring Frankie's descent into madness.

Laura Wilson

The soundtrack effectively conveys the sense of alienation and disconnection that Frankie experiences, highlighting the themes of post-traumatic stress and societal neglect.

Deborah Robinson

The soundtrack of Combat Shock perfectly captures the dark and haunting atmosphere of the film, immersing the listener in Frankie's turbulent world.

Karen Martin

Each track in the soundtrack effectively conveys the inner turmoil and psychological struggle of the main character, enhancing the emotional impact of the story.

Joseph Evans

The music in Combat Shock serves as a powerful storytelling device, enhancing the emotional impact of key scenes and drawing the audience deeper into Frankie's psychological unraveling.

Ashley Turner

Certain musical motifs in the score evoke a sense of unease and foreboding, foreshadowing the tragic events that unfold as Frankie's life unravels.

Jennifer Hall

The soundtrack of Combat Shock effectively captures the bleak and desperate atmosphere of the film, with haunting melodies and dissonant tones that reflect Frankie's inner turmoil.