Conviction is a legal drama television series that follows the story of Hayes Morrison, a brilliant attorney and former First Daughter of the United States. After getting caught with cocaine, Hayes is blackmailed into taking a job as the head of the Conviction Integrity Unit, a team that investigates cases where there may have been a wrongful conviction.
As Hayes and her team delve into these cases, they must navigate the complexities of the criminal justice system and uncover the truth behind each conviction. Along the way, they face challenges from both inside and outside the system, as they work to right the wrongs of the past and seek justice for those who have been wrongly imprisoned.
With a mix of legal drama, political intrigue, and personal relationships, Conviction explores the moral dilemmas faced by those in the legal profession and the impact of their decisions on the lives of others. As Hayes and her team fight for justice, they must also confront their own demons and navigate the blurred lines between right and wrong.