The Daily Show is an American late-night talk and news satire television program. It airs each weeknight on Comedy Central. The show is hosted by Trevor Noah, who took over as host in 2015 after Jon Stewart stepped down. The Daily Show covers current events and political news with a comedic twist.
Each episode features a monologue by Noah, followed by segments with correspondents and interviews with guests. The show has won numerous awards for its satirical take on the news and its ability to make audiences laugh while also informing them about important issues.
The Daily Show has been praised for its ability to hold politicians and public figures accountable while also providing a platform for underrepresented voices. It has become a staple of American late-night television and continues to be a popular source of news and entertainment for viewers of all ages.
Play | Title | Artist |
The Daily Show
Dog on Fire
Dog on Fire (Jon Stewart remix)
Dog on Fire (Trevor Noah remix)