Cops and Robbersons Soundtrack (

Cops and Robbersons Soundtrack (1994) cover

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Rating: 5.20/10 from 7500 votes
Tags: vampire costume, counterfeiting, rude waiter
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Ese poli es un panoli

Title in Italiano:

Poliziotti a domicilio

Title in Português:

Um Polícia em Casa


Cops and Robbersons is a comedy film about a suburban family who unwittingly becomes involved in a police stakeout. The Robberson family's peaceful life is disrupted when a detective named Jake Stone moves in next door to their house in order to surveil a criminal gang operating in the neighborhood.

The Robbersons, led by patriarch Norman and matriarch Helen, are initially unaware of the detective's true identity and mistake him for a new neighbor. As the stakeout progresses, the family becomes increasingly entangled in the investigation, much to the chagrin of Detective Stone.

As the Robbersons inadvertently interfere with the police operation, comedic chaos ensues. The family's bumbling attempts to help Detective Stone catch the criminals only serve to complicate matters further, leading to a series of hilarious misunderstandings and mishaps.

Despite the challenges they face, the Robbersons and Detective Stone eventually come together to outsmart the criminals and bring them to justice. Through their shared experiences, the unlikely allies form a bond that transcends their initial differences and leads to a heartwarming conclusion.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Cops and Robbersons
Mockingbird Hill
Patti Page: Performer
Vaughn Horton: Writer
You Can't Judge a Book By the Cover
Bo Diddley: Performer
Willie Dixon: Writer
Theme from 'Hawaii Five-O'
Morton Stevens: Writer
One for My Baby (And One More for the Road)
Johnny Mercer: Writer
Chevy Chase: Performer
Happy Birthday to You
Mildred J. Hill: Writer
Express Yourself
Charles Wright: Writer
Charles Wright: Performer
Danger Ahead
Miklós Rózsa: Writer
Dragnet March
Walter Schumann: Writer
Tomorrow Never Comes
Paul Simon: Writer
Paul Simon: Performer

User reviews

Kimberly Williams

The musical cues in the movie are well-timed and complement the on-screen action, contributing to the overall comedic effect of the film.

Dorothy White

The soundtrack of Cops and Robbersons perfectly captures the lighthearted and comedic tone of the film. Each musical piece enhances the humorous situations and adds an extra layer of entertainment to the story.

Edward Wright

The catchy melodies and memorable motifs in the soundtrack of Cops and Robbersons stay with you long after the movie ends, creating a lasting impression and enhancing the overall viewing experience. The music not only sets the scene effectively but also elevates the comedic moments, making them even more enjoyable and unforgettable.

Ronald Roberts

The soundtrack of Cops and Robbersons showcases a variety of genres and styles, keeping the audience engaged and entertained throughout the film.

Susan Phillips

Secondly, I felt that the composition of the soundtrack lacked cohesion and consistency. The music seemed disconnected from the on-screen action at times, creating a disjointed feeling that detracted from the immersion in the story. It failed to establish a clear emotional connection with the characters and the unfolding events, which left me feeling detached from the film's narrative.

Karen Young

The soundtrack of Cops and Robbersons perfectly captures the lighthearted and comedic tone of the film. The music enhances the humorous moments and adds to the overall entertainment value of the movie.

Daniel Anderson

The soundtrack of Cops and Robbersons perfectly captures the lighthearted and comedic tone of the film, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Kimberly Taylor

Overall, the soundtrack of Cops and Robbersons is a delightful accompaniment to the film, enriching the storytelling and bringing an extra layer of enjoyment to the viewing experience.

Richard Jones

The soundtrack features a mix of playful melodies and upbeat tunes that reflect the misadventures of the characters, creating a fun and enjoyable atmosphere.

George Hernandez

The soundtrack features memorable themes and motifs that help to underscore the key moments and themes of the story, enhancing the emotional impact of the film.

Sarah Baker

Overall, the soundtrack of Cops and Robbersons is a standout feature that adds depth and charm to the movie. The music not only enhances the comedic elements of the film but also helps to create a memorable and enjoyable viewing experience for the audience.

Kenneth Wilson

The music helps to build tension during the stakeout scenes, adding suspense and excitement to the plot as the Robbersons inadvertently get involved in the police operation.

Elizabeth Johnson

The diverse range of musical styles in the soundtrack keeps the audience engaged and reflects the different moods and emotions portrayed throughout the movie. From upbeat and playful tunes to suspenseful and dramatic scores, the soundtrack complements the shifting dynamics of the plot seamlessly.

Patricia Thompson

The music in the movie strikes a balance between light-hearted comedy and heartwarming moments, capturing the essence of the Robberson family's journey throughout the film.

Stephanie Campbell

First of all, I found the soundtrack of Cops and Robbersons to be quite uninspiring and generic. The music did not effectively enhance the comedic elements of the film or create any memorable moments. It felt like a missed opportunity to elevate the overall viewing experience.

Linda Taylor

The catchy and upbeat melodies in the soundtrack of Cops and Robbersons create a fun and lively atmosphere that keeps the audience engaged throughout the film. The music effectively complements the on-screen action and adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the viewing experience.

Kenneth Scott

The score of Cops and Robbersons effectively conveys the evolving dynamics between the Robberson family and Detective Stone, highlighting their growing bond and mutual understanding.

Mary Baker

The soundtrack of Cops and Robbersons features a great mix of instrumental tracks and energetic tunes that perfectly suit the various scenes in the movie. The music helps to set the mood and enhance the storytelling, making it a memorable aspect of the film.

Kenneth Johnson

The music in the movie effectively underscores the chaotic and hilarious situations that the Robberson family finds themselves in, adding an extra layer of entertainment.