Counting Cars is a reality television show that follows the crew of Count's Kustoms, a Las Vegas-based car customization and restoration shop owned by Danny "The Count" Koker. The show documents the team as they buy, restore, and sell classic cars and motorcycles, while also showcasing the unique and creative designs they come up with.
Each episode of Counting Cars features different projects, challenges, and interactions between the crew members. Viewers get a behind-the-scenes look at the intricate process of transforming old vehicles into stunning works of art, as well as the business side of running a successful car shop.
Throughout the series, Danny "The Count" Koker and his team encounter various obstacles and setbacks, but their passion for cars and dedication to their craft always shine through. The show has gained a loyal following among car enthusiasts and reality TV fans alike, thanks to its entertaining mix of drama, humor, and impressive automotive creations.