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The BAU heads to Reagan Federal Penitentiary in Liberty, located in east Texas. They are called in on the request of its warden of six months, Miles Tate, who met Hotch once at a business meeting. Officers Keith Rivers and Rudy Hightower were both found murdered within the span of three months, each with their throat slashed, a sock stuffed in their mouth, and with seven broken fingers. Hightower's fingers were broken as defensive wounds during a prison riot, while Rivers' were broken post-mortem. The inmates disabled many of the security cameras during the riot, the reason why the two murders could occur without detection. As such, the large inmate population are all suspects. Reagan is privately owned by the Citadel Corrections Company, who bought it from the government a year ago. As an aged facility, Reagan would have been shut down otherwise. Although he likes Tate, the chief officer, Captain Dale Shavers, a twenty year veteran of Reagan, is open about his disdain for Citadel, whose bottom line is profit, not prison upkeep, the reason why the cameras had not yet been replaced. The team learns that both Rivers and Hightower were not liked by the inmates, and that they had a connection outside the prison as witnessed by similar bank account transactions. Whatever is going on with the murders seems to tie back to a missing prisoner, Devon White, who was seemingly a non-violent man until he arrived at Reagan shortly before the first murder.