"Dans Paris" is a French film directed by Christophe Honoré. The story follows a young man named Paul who falls into a deep depression after his girlfriend leaves him. Paul's father, a university professor, is worried about his son's well-being and invites him to come live with him in Paris.
Once in Paris, Paul's relationship with his father becomes strained as they both struggle to communicate and understand each other. Paul's younger brother Jonathan also plays a role in the story, adding a dynamic element to the family dynamics.
As Paul navigates his feelings of loss and despair, he finds solace in the city of Paris itself, exploring its streets and finding moments of beauty and connection. The film explores themes of family, love, and the complexities of human relationships.
"Dans Paris" is a poignant and emotional film that captures the essence of Paris and the struggles of a young man trying to find his way in the world.
Play | Title | Artist |
Dans Paris
Avant la haine
Chanson pour Alice