Darkman II: The Return of Durant is a 1995 American superhero film directed by Bradford May. The film is a sequel to the 1990 film Darkman and stars Arnold Vosloo as the titular character.
The story follows Darkman as he seeks revenge on crime boss Robert G. Durant, who has returned from the dead with a new face. Durant is now played by Larry Drake, reprising his role from the first film.
Darkman must use his skills as a master of disguise to outsmart Durant and his henchmen, all while struggling with his own inner demons and the limitations of his synthetic skin.
As the tension between Darkman and Durant escalates, the stakes are raised and the action reaches a thrilling climax that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
Overall, Darkman II: The Return of Durant is a worthy sequel that expands on the original film's themes of identity, revenge, and redemption, while delivering plenty of action and suspense for fans of the genre.