Date a Live is a Japanese light novel series written by Koushi Tachibana and illustrated by Tsunako. It follows the story of Shido Itsuka, a high school student who has the ability to seal the powers of mysterious beings known as Spirits by making them fall in love with him.
The series is set in a world where these Spirits cause massive destruction and chaos whenever they appear. Shido is recruited by an organization called Ratatoskr to help seal the Spirits and prevent further disasters.
Throughout the series, Shido goes on dates with various Spirits in order to get to know them better and ultimately seal their powers. Along the way, he forms close bonds with the Spirits and learns more about their pasts and motivations.
Date a Live is a mix of romance, comedy, and action, with plenty of twists and turns to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The series has spawned multiple manga adaptations, anime seasons, and even a video game.