Dead Time Soundtrack (

Dead Time Soundtrack (2007) cover

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Rating: 7.00/10 from 1100 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Dead Time: Kala

Title in Italiano:

Dead Time

Title in Português:

Dead Time


Dead Time

In an unnamed nation in an unspecified period of time, a new law which is intended give more peace to the people by strictly upholding morality only ends up justifying people to take matters into their own hands. New organizations who label themselves "the guardian of moral values" emerge and will easily attack somebody they consider immoral. Citizens of the country are divided into two groups: those that grow more violent and those who hope that the myth about the birth of a person who will lead the nation toward the light will soon come true.

A police detective named Eros investigates the death of five men who were burnt alive by a mob of pedestrians after someone screamed 'thief!' at them at a bus station. While his superior orders him to lay off the "insoluble" case, Eros discovers there's a more sinister motive behind the killing than just a simple vigilantism.

Meanwhile, a journalist named Janus is having the lowest time of his life. His wife divorces him and his boss fires him for a same reason. He's suffering from narcolepsy which makes him falls into a deep sleep every time he experiences a sudden emotional reaction such as anger, fear, or joy. After unsuccessfully trying to interview the wife of one of the deceased men, the woman leaves him a message which contains a dangerous secret which may become the cause of the killing.

Not knowing the meaning of the message, Janus tells his friends about it. But everybody he talks to soon dies mysteriously. Janus is also pursued by some powerful people who knows about the value of the secret that Janus holds. Eros' investigation and Janus' dangerous knowledge soon lead the two into a labyrinth of conspiracies and murders which involves not only mortal forces as they unknowingly become major players of the making of the figure that the country has been waiting for.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Dead Time
Hope Killer
Zeke Khaseli: Writer
No Moon (Manderlay)
Zeke Khaseli: Writer
Zeke Khaseli: Performer
Murder He Wrote
Zeke Khaseli: Writer
Zeke Khaseli: Performer
Zeke Khaseli: Writer

User reviews

Donald Mitchell

Overall, I was disappointed with the soundtrack of Dead Time as it did not succeed in elevating the viewing experience or adding layers of complexity to the characters and their motivations. The music felt like an afterthought rather than a crucial element that could have elevated the overall impact of the film.

Paul Baker

The use of different instrumental textures and motifs adds depth to the storytelling, creating a rich auditory experience that complements the intricate plot.

Ronald Hernandez

The diversity of musical styles and genres in the soundtrack reflects the diverse personalities and motivations of the characters, adding depth to their interactions and conflicts.

Matthew Taylor

The memorable themes and motifs in the music of Dead Time stay with the audience long after the film has ended, creating a lasting impression and adding an extra layer of depth to the storytelling.

Thomas Taylor

The musical themes in Dead Time are haunting and memorable, leaving a lasting impression on the viewer long after the film has ended.

Anthony Garcia

The soundtrack effectively conveys the emotions of the characters, from the despair of Janus to the determination of Eros, adding a layer of complexity to their development.

Amanda Nelson

The haunting and atmospheric music in Dead Time perfectly captures the tension and darkness of the storyline, immersing the listener in the mysterious and sinister world of the film.

Donald Turner

The soundtrack of Dead Time perfectly captures the dark and mysterious atmosphere of the film, setting the tone for the unfolding conspiracies and murders.

Sarah Young

The use of unconventional instruments and experimental sounds in the soundtrack of Dead Time adds a unique and innovative touch to the overall listening experience, making it stand out from typical film scores.

Jennifer Lewis

The composition of the soundtrack seemed disjointed and at times inappropriate for the scenes it accompanied, causing a disconnect between the music and the narrative. It failed to create a cohesive atmosphere that would draw the audience into the dark and mysterious world of the film.

Paul Young

The seamless integration of the soundtrack with the on-screen action in Dead Time showcases the composer's skill in enhancing key moments and building suspense, contributing to the overall cinematic quality of the film.

Karen Walker

Overall, the soundtrack of Dead Time is a standout element of the film, elevating the storytelling and contributing to its overall impact on the audience.

Elizabeth Phillips

The composition and arrangement of the music show a great attention to detail, highlighting the skills of the composer in creating a cohesive and immersive sonic landscape.

Brian Hernandez

The emotional depth and complexity conveyed through the music of Dead Time enhances the character development and narrative arc of the story, creating a more engaging and impactful viewing experience.

Patricia Robinson

The music enhances the suspense and tension in key moments, keeping the audience engaged and on the edge of their seats.

Mark Davis

The soundtrack seamlessly blends with the visuals, enhancing the overall cinematic experience and drawing the audience deeper into the narrative.

John Martinez

Upon listening to the soundtrack of Dead Time, I found it to be lacking in emotional depth and failed to capture the intensity of the storyline. The music felt generic and uninspired, failing to enhance the suspense and drama of the plot.