"Destiny Turns on the Radio" is a 1995 American comedy film directed by Jack Baran. The story follows a man named Johnny Destiny who is released from prison and decides to head to Las Vegas. Along the way, he meets a group of quirky characters including a waitress named Lucille and a couple on the run from the mob. As they all converge in Las Vegas, destiny takes a surprising turn when a magical radio appears and starts granting their wishes. The film features a mix of comedy, romance, and fantasy as the characters navigate their way through the unpredictable events that unfold. With a soundtrack featuring artists like Bob Dylan and Elvis Presley, "Destiny Turns on the Radio" is a whimsical and entertaining film that explores the idea of fate and the power of dreams."
Play | Title | Artist |
Destiny Turns on the Radio
The seventh son
Willie Dixon:
Viva Las Vegas
Baltimore Oriole
The Veldt
Just my imagination (running away with me)
Puddin' & pie
That old black magic