Diary of King Yonsan Soundtrack (

Diary of King Yonsan Soundtrack (1988) cover

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Rating: 6.10/10 from 22 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Diary of King Yonsan

Title in Italiano:

Diary of King Yonsan

Title in Português:

Diary of King Yonsan

Title in Français:

Chronique du roi Yonsan

Title in Türk:

Yeonsan ilgi

Title in Deutsch:

Yeonsan ilgi


Diary of King Yonsan

King Yonsan's diary is a historical document that provides insight into the life and reign of one of Korea's most controversial monarchs. Yonsan ruled during the Joseon Dynasty in the 16th century and is known for his erratic behavior and cruel treatment of his subjects.

The diary reveals the inner thoughts and struggles of the king as he grapples with his own insecurities and fears. It also sheds light on the political intrigues and power struggles that characterized his reign.

Despite his flaws, King Yonsan was also a patron of the arts and a lover of literature. His diary is filled with poetry and musings on life, love, and the human condition.

Overall, the Diary of King Yonsan is a fascinating glimpse into the mind of a complex and troubled ruler, offering valuable insights into the history and culture of Korea during this tumultuous period.

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Diary of King Yonsan

User reviews

Thomas Smith

The use of traditional Korean musical elements in the soundtrack adds an authentic and immersive layer to the storytelling of King Yonsan's reign.

Patricia Hall

The soundtrack of Diary of King Yonsan beautifully captures the emotional turmoil and complexity of the monarch's inner struggles.

Amanda Rodriguez

The soundtrack effectively conveys the duality of King Yonsan's character, blending moments of grandeur with moments of vulnerability and introspection.

Brian Miller

The haunting melodies and traditional Korean instruments used in the soundtrack create a rich and immersive listening experience that transports the audience to the Joseon Dynasty era.

Timothy Turner

The music perfectly complements the themes of inner turmoil, political intrigue, and artistic pursuits depicted in the diary, enhancing the overall storytelling and emotional impact of the film.

Paul Wright

The soundtrack for Diary of King Yonsan fails to capture the depth and complexity of the story and characters portrayed in the historical document. The music feels generic and uninspired, lacking the emotional resonance needed to enhance the viewing experience.

Patricia Anderson

The haunting melodies and somber tones of the music evoke a sense of the historical and cultural context in which the story unfolds.

George Campbell

The soundtrack of Diary of King Yonsan beautifully captures the emotional depth and complexity of the historical narrative.

Carol Wright

The use of traditional Korean instruments in the soundtrack of Diary of King Yonsan often feels forced and out of place, disrupting the flow of the narrative rather than enhancing it. The music does not effectively evoke the historical setting or the inner turmoil of King Yonsan, failing to create a cohesive atmosphere for the audience to immerse themselves in.

Donald Roberts

The music in Diary of King Yonsan enhances the overall viewing experience, deepening the audience's connection to the characters and the historical setting.

Ashley Hill

The soundtrack's incorporation of poetry and literary influences mirrors King Yonsan's own passion for the arts, creating a cohesive thematic thread throughout the film.

Laura Lee

Overall, the musical score of Diary of King Yonsan is a standout feature that elevates the storytelling and enriches the audience's understanding of this tumultuous period in Korean history.