Dogura magura Soundtrack (

Dogura magura Soundtrack (1988) cover

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Rating: 6.60/10 from 593 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Dogura magura - Abrakadabra

Title in Italiano:

Dogura magura - Abrakadabra

Title in Português:

Dogura magura - Abrakadabra

Title in Français:

Dogura magura

Title in Türk:

Dogura magura

Title in Deutsch:

Dogura magura


A man is confined to a mental institution after trying to murder his fiancee. Two doctors relate his problem to an Asian philosophy that states that mental defects are transmitted from generation to generation.

He learns that one of his distant ancestors murdered his wife as a way of demonstrating a point to his lord about the importance of love over the emptiness of lust and to drive home the point further, created a series of illustrations of the dead woman decaying which in turn trigger the memories of his distant descendent.

But is the whole thing merely a game concocted by the two doctors, who may even have driven themselves mad?

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Dogura magura

User reviews

Sarah Rodriguez

The soundtrack of Dogura magura skillfully mirrors the blurred lines between reality and illusion in the film. The shifting tempos and unpredictable rhythms keep the audience on edge, reflecting the protagonist's own uncertainty about what is real and what is a figment of his imagination.

John Scott

The repetitive nature of the soundtrack became tiresome and monotonous, with certain motifs and melodies being overused to the point of becoming grating. Instead of adding depth and complexity to the narrative, the music felt like a repetitive loop that failed to evolve along with the characters and plot.

Karen Phillips

I found the soundtrack of Dogura Magura to be dissonant and chaotic, lacking any cohesive theme or emotional resonance. The music failed to enhance the eerie and unsettling atmosphere of the film, instead feeling disconnected and distracting.

Linda Rodriguez

The use of traditional Asian instruments in the soundtrack adds a unique and authentic touch to the overall experience. The blend of modern and traditional elements in the music reflects the duality of the protagonist's struggle with his own sanity and the dark secrets of his family's past. The music truly elevates the storytelling and immerses me in the unsettling world of the film.

James Miller

The music in Dogura magura effectively enhances the psychological aspects of the story, adding layers of complexity to the narrative. The blend of traditional Asian instruments with modern electronic sounds creates a unique sonic landscape that mirrors the protagonist's descent into madness.

Daniel Johnson

The soundtrack of Dogura magura perfectly captures the eerie and unsettling atmosphere of the film. The use of dissonant tones and haunting melodies creates a sense of unease that stays with you long after the movie has ended.

Susan Miller

The soundtrack of Dogura Magura is hauntingly beautiful and perfectly captures the eerie and mysterious atmosphere of the film. The music enhances the sense of unease and suspense, drawing me deeper into the psychological drama unfolding on screen.

Ashley Green

The use of traditional Asian instruments in the soundtrack felt forced and stereotypical, adding a superficial layer of exoticism without truly enriching the storytelling or character development. The music seemed like a lazy attempt to evoke a sense of otherness rather than serving a meaningful purpose.