Dokidoki Virgin mô ichido I Love You is a Japanese romantic comedy film directed by Kôji Kawano. The story follows a young couple, Yui and Takahiro, who have been dating for three years but have not yet taken their relationship to the next level.
Yui is a virgin and is nervous about taking the next step with Takahiro. She seeks advice from her friends and tries to gather the courage to confess her feelings to him. Takahiro, on the other hand, is also unsure about how to approach the situation and is afraid of pressuring Yui.
As the two navigate their feelings and insecurities, they must confront their fears and communicate openly with each other. The film explores themes of love, intimacy, and the importance of honest communication in a relationship.
Will Yui and Takahiro be able to overcome their doubts and fears and take their relationship to the next level? Watch Dokidoki Virgin mô ichido I Love You to find out!