Private School Soundtrack (

Private School Soundtrack (1983) cover

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Rating: 5.30/10 from 7300 votes
Tags: girls' boarding school, woman ripping another woman's shirt off, car in swimming pool
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Escuela privada... para chicas

Title in Italiano:

American College

Title in Português:

Escola Particular


Private School

Christine (Phoebe Cates), a student at an exclusive all-girls private school, is in love with Jim, who attends an academy for boys nearby. Christine's arch rival Jordan also has her eye on Jim, and she is willing to do whatever she can to steal him away. Jim's uber-slob buddy Bubba is going with Betsy, Christine's cynical friend, though he would probably be unfaithful if any other woman were willing to get near him. Bubba and his pals sneak into the girls' school dressed in drag in hopes of reaching the Promised Land (better known as the women's shower room), while Christine and Jim run away together for the weekend, though their escapade isn't as romantic as they had hoped.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Private School
You're Breaking My Heart
Harry Nilsson: Performer
Harry Nilsson: Composer
Rock This Town
Brian Setzer: Composer
The Stray Cats: Performer
She Said No
Bill Wray: Performer
Bill Wray: Composer
Just One Touch
Bill Wray: Performer
Bill Wray: Composer
Private School
Bill Wray: Performer
Bill Wray: Composer
The American Girl
Rick Springfield: Performer
Rick Springfield: Composer
How Do I Let You Know
Bill Wray: Composer
Phoebe Cates: Performer
Nasty Girl
I Want Candy
Li'l Red Riding Hood
All The Time
Da Da Da
You're Breaking My Heart
Harry Nilsson: Performer
Li'l Red Riding Hood

User reviews

David Lee

The soundtrack of Private School perfectly captures the fun and carefree spirit of the 80s teen comedy genre. The upbeat and lively tunes really set the tone for the shenanigans and romantic escapades of the characters.

Deborah Carter

Overall, the soundtrack of Private School may not be groundbreaking or revolutionary, but it does a great job of complementing the on-screen action and enhancing the movie's overall entertainment value. It's a fun and enjoyable musical accompaniment to a classic teen comedy.

Brian Baker

Overall, the soundtrack of Private School contributes significantly to the overall enjoyment of the movie, making it a delightful listening experience.

Carol Thomas

The songs selected for the film enhance the scenes and help set the tone for different moments in the story.

Stephanie Wright

The music in Private School adds a nostalgic touch, transporting the audience back to the era of high school crushes and teenage adventures.

Laura Turner

Each song in the soundtrack complements the different scenes in the movie, enhancing the overall viewing experience. From the playful moments to the more emotional ones, the music adds depth and resonance to the storytelling.

Margaret Perez

The iconic songs featured in Private School have a nostalgic charm that transports the audience back to a time of innocence and first love. The music truly becomes a character of its own, making the movie even more memorable and enjoyable.

Robert Thomas

The use of popular songs from the era adds an extra layer of nostalgia to the film, enhancing the overall viewing experience. It's like taking a musical trip back in time to the heyday of high school comedies.

Elizabeth Green

The songs in Private School are catchy and memorable, leaving a lasting impression even after the film is over.

Brian Anderson

The soundtrack features a great mix of upbeat pop tunes that make you want to dance and sing along.

Ronald Anderson

The soundtrack is diverse and includes a variety of genres, catering to different musical tastes of the viewers.

Robert Lewis

The variety of music styles in the soundtrack keeps things interesting and dynamic. From catchy pop tunes to energetic rock songs, there is something for everyone to enjoy and bop along to.

Dorothy Walker

The soundtrack of Private School perfectly captures the fun and carefree atmosphere of the 80s high school setting. The upbeat and catchy tunes really set the mood for the teenage romantic comedy.

Patricia Wright

The soundtrack of Private School perfectly captures the fun and carefree atmosphere of a teen romantic comedy from the 80s.