Drifters is a thrilling action-packed series that follows the adventures of a group of individuals known as drifters. These drifters are warriors from different time periods and cultures who have been transported to a mysterious world by a powerful being known as Murasaki.
The drifters must band together to fight against the Ends, a group of powerful beings who seek to conquer this new world and enslave its inhabitants. Led by the ruthless Black King, the Ends pose a formidable threat to the drifters and the innocent people caught in the crossfire.
As the drifters battle against the Ends, they must also navigate the complex politics and alliances of this new world. With their unique skills and abilities, the drifters must find a way to defeat their enemies and protect the world from destruction.
With stunning animation, intense fight scenes, and a gripping storyline, Drifters is a must-watch for fans of action and fantasy. Follow the drifters on their journey as they fight for justice and freedom in a world on the brink of chaos.