Détour follows the story of a young girl's tricycle, which gets lost as a French family leaves home for their summer holiday. After becoming accidentally separated from the family, the tricycle is propelled on an unbelievable journey of seemingly unplanned events through the stunning French countryside.
Download and play the Soundtrack list
Theme From Schindler's List
Theme From Jurassic Park
Prologue: Book II and the Escape from the Dursleys
Main Title "Somewhere in My Memory" (From "Home Alone") - Voice
Flying - From "E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial" Soundtrack
Adventure On Earth - From "E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial" Soundtrack
Love Theme
Main Titles
La petite fille de la mer - Remastered
Hymne - Remastered
Back To The Future: Back To The Future - From "Back To The Future"
Back To The Future Part II: The Letter - From "Back To The Future, Pt. II"
Back To The Future Part II: Hill Valley, 2015 - From "Back To The Future, Pt. II"
Blue Velvet: Main Title Theme - From "Blue Velvet"