Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Sumito Ōwara. The story follows three high school girls who form an animation club and embark on a journey to create their own animated films.
The main characters are Midori Asakusa, a passionate and imaginative girl who dreams of creating her own world through animation; Sayaka Kanamori, a pragmatic and business-savvy girl who serves as the producer of the club; and Tsubame Mizusaki, a talented and popular model who is also a skilled animator.
Together, the three girls face various challenges and obstacles as they work towards their goal of creating their own animated masterpiece. Throughout the series, they learn valuable lessons about teamwork, creativity, and the power of friendship.
Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! has received critical acclaim for its unique storytelling, vibrant artwork, and engaging characters. It has been praised for its portrayal of the creative process and the passion that drives artists to pursue their dreams.