City Hunter is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tsukasa Hojo. The story follows Ryo Saeba, a private detective known as "City Hunter" who is hired to solve various cases in Tokyo.
With his partner Kaori Makimura, Ryo takes on dangerous missions while also dealing with his own personal demons. The series combines action, comedy, and romance as Ryo navigates the complexities of his job and relationships.
As City Hunter, Ryo is known for his sharp shooting skills and quick wit. He often finds himself in sticky situations but always manages to come out on top. The manga has been adapted into anime, live-action TV series, and films, gaining a dedicated fanbase worldwide.
Play | Title | Artist |
City Hunter
I Only Look For You
Gyu-ri Park:
You and I
Jae-kyung Kim:
So Goodbye