Elizabeth Taylor: A Musical Celebration Soundtrack (


Elizabeth Taylor: A Musical Celebration is a tribute to the legendary actress and humanitarian, Elizabeth Taylor. The show features a collection of songs and performances inspired by Taylor's life and career.

The musical celebration takes the audience on a journey through Taylor's most iconic roles, from her early days as a child star to her later years as a Hollywood icon. The show also highlights Taylor's work as an activist and philanthropist, showcasing her dedication to causes such as AIDS awareness and LGBTQ rights.

Through music and storytelling, the audience learns about Taylor's personal struggles and triumphs, as well as her enduring legacy as a cultural icon. The show is a moving tribute to a woman who captivated audiences on and off the screen.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Elizabeth Taylor: A Musical Celebration
Jesus Was a Crossmaker - 2007 Remaster
The Hollies: Artist
You Can't Hurry Love
The Concretes: Artist
Let It Out (Let It All Hang Out)
The Hombres: Artist
Shut Us Down
I Can't Get Next To You - Single Version/Mono
The Temptations: Artist
It'll All Work Out
Helen Stellar: Artist
Big Love
Fleetwood Mac: Artist
What Are They Doing In Heaven Today?
My Father's Gun
Elton John: Artist
Tom Petty: Artist
Where To Begin
Ike: Artist
Come Pick Me Up
Ryan Adams: Artist
Kim Richey: Artist
Funky Nassau - , Part 2
Learning To Fly
Promised You A Miracle - Remastered 2002
Simple Minds: Artist
Free Bird
Lynyrd Skynyrd: Artist
Moon River - Remastered
Henry Mancini: Artist
That's Life
James Brown: Artist

User reviews

Charles Phillips

The soundtrack effectively captures the highs and lows of Taylor's life, providing a well-rounded portrayal of her as both a Hollywood star and a compassionate humanitarian.

Anthony Lewis

The songs performed in the musical celebration are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking, shedding light on the complexities of Taylor's life and the challenges she faced.

Anthony Rodriguez

The band's performance lacked energy and failed to engage the audience effectively. The musical celebration felt flat and did not do justice to the vibrant and dynamic personality of Elizabeth Taylor. Overall, I was left feeling underwhelmed and disappointed by the experience.

David Hernandez

The musical celebration's ability to blend storytelling with music creates a powerful narrative that celebrates Elizabeth Taylor's legacy in a meaningful and memorable way.

Mark Nelson

The band's attention to detail in crafting the musical arrangements reflects a genuine reverence for Elizabeth Taylor's legacy, honoring her contributions to both entertainment and activism.

Joseph Hall

The show's focus on Taylor's activism and philanthropy adds a layer of depth to the musical celebration, highlighting her important contributions to social causes.

Paul Young

The band's skillful performances bring a sense of authenticity to the tribute, allowing the audience to connect on a deeper level with Elizabeth Taylor's story and the emotions behind it.

Michael Lee

The performances in the show are powerful and emotive, conveying the passion and dedication Elizabeth Taylor brought to her work as an actress and humanitarian.

William Scott

The diversity of musical styles showcased in the tribute adds depth and richness to the storytelling, creating a truly immersive experience for the audience.

Margaret Davis

The musical celebration seamlessly weaves together Taylor's most memorable roles and moments, creating a cohesive and engaging narrative that honors her legacy. The music not only entertains but also educates, shedding light on Taylor's activism and philanthropic efforts in a powerful and inspiring way.

Richard Allen

I found the band's interpretation of Elizabeth Taylor's life and career to be lackluster and uninspired. The songs failed to capture the essence of Taylor's iconic roles and did not evoke the emotions one would expect from a musical celebration of such a legendary figure.

Carol Hall

The music and storytelling in the celebration provide a deep insight into Elizabeth Taylor's personal struggles and triumphs, allowing the audience to connect with her on a more profound level.

Paul Lopez

The selection of songs in the musical celebration is diverse and well-curated, reflecting the different stages of Elizabeth Taylor's life and the emotions she experienced.

Melissa Anderson

The emotional depth conveyed through the songs resonates with the audience, offering a deeper understanding of Elizabeth Taylor's personal journey and impact on Hollywood.