Emperor of the Sea is a thrilling historical drama series that follows the life of Jang Bogo, a legendary figure in Korean history. Born into a poor family, Jang Bogo rises to power and becomes a powerful maritime merchant and military leader.
Set in the 9th century during the Unified Silla Dynasty, the series explores the political intrigue, betrayal, and power struggles of the time. Jang Bogo's journey is filled with challenges as he navigates through the treacherous waters of the sea and the dangerous world of politics.
With his ambition and determination, Jang Bogo becomes known as the Emperor of the Sea, ruling over the waters and commanding a vast fleet of ships. His story is one of courage, loyalty, and sacrifice as he fights to protect his people and his kingdom.
Emperor of the Sea is a gripping tale of adventure, love, and betrayal that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.