Encore heureux Soundtrack (

Encore heureux Soundtrack (2015) cover

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Rating: 5.60/10 from 454 votes
Tags: joblessness, tent indoors, urinating in a sink, demotion
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Encore heureux

Title in Italiano:

Encore heureux

Title in Português:

Encore heureux


"Encore heureux" is a French comedy film directed by Benoît Graffin. The story follows a couple, Sam and Clemence, who are struggling with their marriage and financial problems. One day, they win the lottery and their lives take a turn for the better. However, their newfound wealth brings its own set of challenges as they navigate the complexities of their relationship and the pressures of their new lifestyle.

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Encore heureux

User reviews

Melissa Green

The soundtrack also effectively conveys the deeper, more poignant moments in the film, tugging at the heartstrings and creating a sense of connection with the characters' experiences.

Sarah Hernandez

The choice of songs in the film felt disconnected from the storyline and characters, making it difficult for me to fully immerse myself in the movie-going experience.

Joshua Roberts

The soundtrack succeeds in creating a strong connection between the audience and the characters, immersing viewers in the emotional journey of Sam and Clemence as they navigate the complexities of their newfound wealth.

Thomas Harris

The music enhances the comedic moments in the film, adding a light-hearted and playful tone that complements the storyline beautifully.

Kimberly Green

I found the soundtrack of Encore heureux to be quite uninspiring and forgettable. The music failed to evoke any emotions or enhance the scenes in a meaningful way.

Anthony White

The music in Encore heureux effectively conveys the tension and conflicts within the couple's relationship, mirroring their inner struggles and doubts through evocative compositions.

Dorothy Young

The soundtrack's ability to evoke a range of emotions, from joy and excitement to sadness and contemplation, showcases the skillful craftsmanship of the composers in capturing the essence of the story.

David Smith

The soundtrack of Encore heureux perfectly captures the emotional journey of the main characters, Sam and Clemence, as they navigate through their struggles and triumphs.

Joshua Green

Overall, the music in Encore heureux is a crucial element that elevates the viewing experience and adds depth to the storytelling, making it a memorable and impactful part of the film.

Steven Evans

The soundtrack of Encore heureux perfectly captures the emotional rollercoaster experienced by the main characters, blending joyful melodies with more melancholic tones to reflect their ups and downs.

George Anderson

The use of different musical styles and instruments in the soundtrack adds depth to the storytelling, creating a diverse and engaging auditory experience for the audience.

Andrew Campbell

Overall, the music in Encore heureux plays a crucial role in shaping the narrative and enhancing the viewing experience, making it a memorable and impactful aspect of the film.

Donna Wright

The music in the film effectively enhances the comedic moments, adding a light-hearted and playful atmosphere that complements the humorous scenes and dialogues.