Enlisted is a comedy series that follows three brothers who find themselves all stationed at the same Army base. The oldest brother, Pete, is a sergeant who takes his job very seriously and is constantly trying to keep his younger brothers in line. The middle brother, Derrick, is a slacker who often gets himself into trouble, while the youngest brother, Randy, is a naive and enthusiastic new recruit.
Despite their differences, the brothers must learn to work together and navigate the challenges of military life. Along the way, they form a bond and support each other through the ups and downs of serving in the Army. The show explores themes of family, friendship, and the importance of teamwork in a humorous and heartwarming way.
Enlisted is a lighthearted and entertaining series that offers a unique perspective on military life and the relationships that are formed in the face of adversity. With its mix of comedy and heartfelt moments, the show is sure to resonate with viewers of all ages.