Epidemic Soundtrack (

Epidemic Soundtrack (2002) cover

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Rating: 4.10/10 from 814 votes
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Alerta: Évola

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Title in Français:

Invisible ennemi

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Contagion is a 2011 thriller film directed by Steven Soderbergh. The movie follows the rapid spread of a deadly virus that originates from a bat and quickly infects people around the world. As the virus spreads, panic and chaos ensue as scientists and government officials race against time to find a cure and contain the outbreak.

The film features an ensemble cast including Matt Damon, Kate Winslet, Jude Law, Marion Cotillard, and Gwyneth Paltrow. Each character's story intertwines as they navigate the challenges of a global pandemic, highlighting the social, economic, and political implications of such a crisis.

Contagion is praised for its realistic portrayal of a pandemic and its impact on society. The film serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of preparedness and cooperation in the face of a global health crisis.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Lead Man
Push You out to Sea
I Need You
Like You and I (Like a Knife)
Unseen Sea
Felt Like a Perfume
Pictured Perfect
End Times
Is It Really That Good?
Made for Me
Confederate Ghosts
Hostile Architecture

User reviews

Charles Walker

The soundtrack of Contagion captures the tension and urgency of the film's narrative effectively.

Anthony Nelson

The orchestral arrangements in the soundtrack evoke a sense of grandeur and scale, emphasizing the global impact of the virus outbreak portrayed in the movie.

Kenneth Smith

The diverse range of musical styles and genres featured in the soundtrack reflects the multicultural and interconnected nature of the characters and their respective storylines.

Andrew Davis

The use of subtle electronic elements in the music adds a modern and technological feel, enhancing the futuristic aspects of the pandemic storyline.

Thomas Johnson

The soundtrack of Contagion does a fantastic job of setting the tone for each scene, whether it be one of fear, desperation, or hope.

Joseph Taylor

The lack of memorable melodies or standout tracks made the soundtrack forgettable and unremarkable. It failed to enhance the emotional impact of key scenes and often felt like background noise rather than a powerful storytelling tool.

Anthony Walker

The recurring motifs and themes in the soundtrack help to tie the different storylines together, adding depth and cohesion to the overall viewing experience.

Anthony Carter

Overall, the music in Contagion is a crucial element in creating a gripping and immersive viewing experience for the audience.

Donna Harris

The haunting and eerie tones in the Epidemic soundtrack perfectly capture the sense of fear and urgency present in the film.

Lisa Evans

The composition of the music reflects the chaos and uncertainty portrayed on screen, adding an extra layer of emotional depth to the film.

Betty Campbell

The music perfectly complements the fast-paced editing and storytelling, creating a sense of urgency and suspense that keeps the audience on edge.

Margaret Thompson

Overall, I believe that the soundtrack of Epidemic missed a great opportunity to elevate the film's narrative and deepen the viewer's engagement with the unfolding crisis.

Paul King

The seamless integration of music with the on-screen action enhances the emotional intensity of key scenes, drawing the audience deeper into the narrative.

Daniel Lee

The music of Epidemic not only complements the visual storytelling but also stands on its own as a powerful and evocative listening experience, capable of eliciting a wide range of emotions from the audience.

Mark Hall

The use of eerie electronic tones and dissonant chords enhances the sense of unease and impending doom throughout the movie.

James Martin

The soundtrack of Epidemic effectively conveys the sense of isolation and loneliness experienced by the characters as they struggle to survive in a world ravaged by disease.

Sarah Hill

I found the soundtrack of Epidemic to be quite underwhelming and uninspired. The music failed to effectively capture the tension and urgency of the film's plot, leaving me feeling disconnected from the unfolding events.