Escape at Dannemora is a limited series based on the true story of the 2015 prison break at the Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora, New York. The show follows the events leading up to the escape, the escape itself, and the subsequent manhunt for the two convicted murderers, Richard Matt and David Sweat.
The series delves into the complex relationships between the inmates and prison employees, particularly focusing on the manipulative tactics used by Joyce "Tilly" Mitchell, a civilian employee who becomes romantically involved with both Matt and Sweat. Tilly plays a crucial role in aiding the inmates in their escape plan, which involves cutting through steel walls and navigating a series of tunnels and pipes.
As the escape unfolds, tensions rise and the inmates must navigate a series of obstacles in order to evade capture. The show also explores the impact of the escape on the small town of Dannemora, as well as the intense pressure faced by law enforcement officials tasked with tracking down the fugitives.
Escape at Dannemora is a gripping and suspenseful series that offers a detailed look at one of the most notorious prison breaks in recent history. The show has received critical acclaim for its performances, writing, and direction, and has been praised for its realistic portrayal of the events surrounding the escape.