Escobar: Paradise Lost is a film that tells the story of a young Canadian surfer named Nick who falls in love with a local girl in Colombia. Little does he know, the girl's uncle is none other than the infamous drug lord Pablo Escobar.
As Nick becomes more involved with the family, he starts to realize the dangerous world he has entered. Escobar takes a liking to Nick and sees him as a potential ally, pulling him deeper into his criminal activities.
As Nick struggles to navigate this treacherous world, he must decide whether to continue down this path or risk everything to escape. The film explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the consequences of getting involved with a dangerous figure like Escobar.
Play | Title | Artist |
Escobar: Paradise Lost
Dio come ti amo
Cumple Años Feliz
Patty S. Hill:
Dios Como Te Amo