Esperando al mesías Soundtrack (

Esperando al mesías Soundtrack (2000) cover

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Rating: 6.50/10 from 704 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Esperando al mesías

Title in Italiano:

Aspettando il messia

Title in Português:

Warten auf den Messias


In 1999, Argentina's peso craters. Ariel, a young man from Buenos Aires' Jewish community, deals with his mother's fatal illness, finds a job as a night shift surveillance camera monitor, and wonders when he'll discover sex. Santamaria, middle aged, loses his bank job and is dismissed by his wife; he finds stolen wallets in dumpsters to return to their owners. Ariel tells Santamaria's story to a TV reporter who profiles lives on the street. She's Laura, in a relationship with another woman, but perhaps available. Ariel desires Laura, while Santamaria courts Elsa, a washroom attendant who's husband is in prison. Christmas and Hanukkah approach; can anyone connect?

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Esperando al mesías

User reviews

Carol Williams

The diverse range of musical styles in the soundtrack adds richness and depth to the film, reflecting the cultural melting pot of Buenos Aires.

Jennifer Hill

The haunting melodies and evocative lyrics of the songs linger long after the movie ends, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Sarah Garcia

The choice of songs in the soundtrack complements the film's exploration of identity, faith, and human connection.

Elizabeth King

The soundtrack of Esperando al mesías beautifully captures the emotional depth of the characters and the turbulent times in Argentina in 1999.

Margaret Anderson

I found the soundtrack of Esperando al mesías to be lacking in emotional depth and failed to capture the essence of the characters' struggles and emotions.

Andrew Hall

The music enhances the narrative of the film, creating a powerful connection between the audience and the characters.

Melissa Lopez

The music in Esperando al mesías sets the tone for each scene, drawing the viewer deeper into the characters' lives.

Andrew Garcia

Overall, the soundtrack of Esperando al mesías is a powerful and integral part of the film that elevates the viewing experience to a whole new level.

Elizabeth Moore

The instrumental pieces in the soundtrack evoke a sense of melancholy and introspection that resonates with the characters' struggles.

William Lee

The music felt generic and uninspired, failing to enhance the storytelling or create a compelling atmosphere for the film.

Linda Evans

The music enhances the storytelling, creating a poignant atmosphere that resonates with the struggles and hopes of the characters.

George Young

The diverse range of musical styles and instruments used in the soundtrack creates a rich tapestry of sound that mirrors the cultural diversity and personal struggles depicted in the movie. Each track evokes a unique mood and adds layers of meaning to the narrative, making the viewing experience even more engaging and impactful.

James Parker

The soundtrack of Esperando al mesías perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the characters' stories.

David King

The soundtrack of Esperando al mesías truly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the characters' journeys. The music successfully enhances the storytelling and immerses the audience in the turbulent and poignant atmosphere of the film.

Donna Phillips

Overall, the soundtrack of Esperando al mesías is a standout element that enhances the viewing experience and leaves a lasting impression.

Michael Martin

The soundtrack effectively conveys the themes of hope, love, and resilience present throughout the film.

Joseph Johnson

The soundtrack features a diverse range of musical styles, reflecting the eclectic nature of the film's narrative.

Edward Allen

I was disappointed by the lack of originality in the soundtrack, as it did not bring anything new or memorable to the viewing experience.

Joshua Scott

The use of traditional Argentine and Jewish music in the soundtrack adds a rich cultural layer to the storytelling.