Feel Good is a British comedy-drama television series created by Mae Martin and Joe Hampson. The show follows the story of Mae, a stand-up comedian who is struggling with addiction and navigating her new relationship with George, a woman who has never been in a same-sex relationship before.
Throughout the series, Mae must confront her past traumas and insecurities while trying to maintain her sobriety and make her relationship work. As she delves deeper into her own emotions and struggles, Mae learns to confront her fears and embrace her true self.
With a mix of humor and heart-wrenching moments, Feel Good explores themes of love, identity, and self-acceptance. The show has received critical acclaim for its honest portrayal of addiction and relationships, as well as for the performances of its talented cast.
Overall, Feel Good is a compelling and thought-provoking series that will leave viewers laughing, crying, and reflecting on their own experiences with love and acceptance.