"Final Space is a sci-fi animated series that follows the adventures of Gary Goodspeed, an astronaut who is serving a prison sentence aboard a spaceship called the Galaxy One. Gary befriends a cute alien named Mooncake, who has the power to destroy planets. Together, they embark on a journey to unlock the mystery of Final Space, a dangerous place where the universe ends. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and enemies, including the evil Lord Commander who seeks to harness Mooncake's power for his own sinister purposes. As Gary and his crew race against time to save the universe, they must also confront their own personal demons and make difficult choices that will determine the fate of all living beings."
Play | Title | Artist |
Final Space
Good Enough For Me
When the Night is Long (feat. Shelby Merry)
When the Darkness Comes
Enter One
In My Dream Last Night
Set the World