Foh bau long ji Soundtrack (

Foh bau long ji Soundtrack (1991) cover

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Rating: 6.60/10 from 83 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Angry Ranger

Title in Italiano:

Angry Ranger

Title in Português:

Angry Ranger


Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a brave and skilled ranger named Aiden. He was known throughout the kingdom for his fearless nature and his expertise in combat.

One day, a group of evil creatures invaded the peaceful village where Aiden lived. They destroyed homes, captured villagers, and spread chaos everywhere. The ranger knew he had to act fast to save his people.

With his trusty bow and arrow, Aiden set out on a dangerous journey to track down the leader of the creatures and put an end to their rampage. Along the way, he faced many challenges and obstacles, but his determination never wavered.

After a fierce battle, Aiden finally defeated the evil leader and rescued the captured villagers. The kingdom celebrated his heroic deeds and hailed him as the savior of the land.

From that day on, Aiden was known as the Angry Ranger, a legend whose courage and strength inspired generations to come.

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Foh bau long ji

User reviews

Patricia Evans

The epic orchestral arrangements evoke a sense of heroism and bravery, making you feel like you are right beside Aiden on his journey.

Jennifer Young

The emotional depth of the soundtrack enhances the storytelling, making the triumphs and challenges of Aiden even more impactful.

Ronald Anderson

The memorable melodies stay with you long after listening, creating a lasting impression of the film's themes and characters.

Daniel Parker

I found the musical choices in Foh bau long ji to be distracting and disjointed. The transitions between tracks were jarring, taking away from the immersive experience of the film and leaving me feeling disconnected from the story.

Thomas Miller

The emotional depth of the music resonates with the struggles and triumphs of the characters, creating a powerful connection between the audience and the story unfolding on screen.

Nancy Parker

The soundtrack of Foh bau long ji perfectly captures the adventurous spirit of the story. Each track immerses you in the world of Aiden and his quest to save his village.

George Lopez

The use of traditional instruments in the soundtrack adds an authentic touch to the setting of a faraway land, immersing the listener in the mystical world of Aiden and his quest to save his village.

Kimberly Martin

Overall, the soundtrack of Foh bau long ji elevates the storytelling experience, adding an extra layer of excitement and emotion to the epic tale of the Angry Ranger.

Matthew Anderson

The soundtrack of Foh bau long ji failed to capture the epic and adventurous tone of the story. The music felt generic and uninspired, lacking the emotional depth needed to enhance the narrative.

Robert Campbell

The dynamic composition keeps you engaged from start to finish, mirroring the intensity of Aiden's battles and victories.

Betty Parker

Overall, the soundtrack of Foh bau long ji is a standout feature of the film, enhancing its storytelling and leaving a lasting impact on viewers.

Edward Allen

The seamless integration of music with the narrative creates a cohesive and immersive experience for the audience.

Joshua Garcia

The soundtrack of Foh bau long ji effectively captures the adventurous spirit of the story, with uplifting melodies and epic orchestrations that enhance the hero's journey.

Steven Evans

The use of traditional instruments adds an authentic touch to the music, transporting listeners to the faraway land where the story takes place.

Jennifer Moore

Overall, I was disappointed with the lack of originality in the soundtrack of Foh bau long ji. The compositions felt derivative and repetitive, failing to leave a lasting impression or elevate the overall viewing experience.