In a small town, a young woman named Sarah begins to experience strange and unsettling occurrences. She starts having vivid nightmares and feeling a sense of dread that she can't shake. As the days go by, the feeling of foreboding grows stronger and Sarah becomes convinced that something sinister is lurking in the shadows.
Despite her friends and family trying to reassure her, Sarah can't shake the feeling that something terrible is about to happen. She starts to investigate the history of the town and uncovers dark secrets that have been buried for years. As she delves deeper into the mystery, Sarah realizes that she may be the only one who can stop the impending danger.
As the ominous events escalate, Sarah must confront her fears and find the courage to confront the evil that threatens to consume her town. Will she be able to uncover the truth before it's too late, or will the foreboding darkness claim her soul?