Frankie Drake Mysteries is a Canadian television series that follows the adventures of Frankie Drake, a private detective in 1920s Toronto. Along with her partner Trudy Clarke, Frankie solves crimes and mysteries that the police can't handle.
The show explores themes of gender equality and social issues of the time period, as Frankie and Trudy navigate a male-dominated profession and society. Frankie's quick wit and sharp investigative skills make her a formidable detective, while Trudy's resourcefulness and determination complement Frankie's methods.
Each episode presents a new case for the duo to solve, ranging from murder mysteries to espionage and political intrigue. The show's stylish setting and costumes capture the glamour and excitement of the Roaring Twenties. Frankie Drake Mysteries offers a fresh take on the classic detective genre, with a strong female lead and a diverse cast of characters.