Frederik IX Soundtrack (

Frederik IX Soundtrack (2019) cover

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Rating: 8.30/10 from 101 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Frederik IX

Title in Italiano:

Frederik IX

Title in Português:

Frederik IX


Frederik IX was the King of Denmark from 1947 until his death in 1972. He was known for his informal and approachable style, which endeared him to the Danish people.

Frederik IX was a popular monarch who played a key role in modernizing Denmark and promoting democracy. He was also a talented musician and often performed with the Royal Danish Orchestra.

During his reign, Denmark underwent significant social and economic changes, including the expansion of the welfare state and the development of a strong industrial sector. Frederik IX was a strong supporter of the arts and culture, and his reign is often referred to as the "Golden Age" of Danish culture.

Frederik IX was succeeded by his daughter, Queen Margrethe II, who continues to reign as the current monarch of Denmark.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Frederik IX
Frederik IX: Main Title
Nicklas Schmidt: Performer
Frederik IX: Incidental Music
Nicklas Schmidt: Performer

User reviews

Daniel Johnson

Despite Frederik IX's reputation as a talented musician who often performed with the Royal Danish Orchestra, the soundtrack of the film did not showcase his musical abilities effectively. The compositions felt uninspired and did not do justice to the King's passion for music, leaving a disconnect between his musical legacy and the portrayal in the film.

Sarah Anderson

The musical score of Frederik IX not only serves as a backdrop for the story but also stands on its own as a work of art. The intricate melodies and harmonies evoke a sense of nostalgia for the Golden Age of Danish culture, highlighting the King's legacy as a patron of the arts.

William Anderson

The musical performances in the soundtrack, especially those featuring the Royal Danish Orchestra, showcase the King's own musical talents and his passion for the arts, providing a heartfelt tribute to his legacy as a monarch who deeply valued cultural enrichment.

Richard Lewis

The music in Frederik IX evokes a sense of nostalgia and pride, mirroring the significant social and economic changes that Denmark underwent during his rule. It perfectly complements the narrative of modernization and cultural flourishing that defined his era.

Elizabeth Taylor

The soundtrack of Frederik IX beautifully captures the regal essence of the King of Denmark, blending classical melodies with modern arrangements to create a truly majestic listening experience.

Amanda Thompson

The use of classical instruments in the soundtrack of Frederik IX pays homage to the King's love for music and his talent as a musician. The compositions are rich and emotive, enhancing the historical and cultural significance of his reign.

Paul Carter

The soundtrack of Frederik IX effectively conveys the sense of progress and modernization that characterized Denmark during his reign. The music evolves along with the narrative, mirroring the social and economic changes that took place under his rule.

Donald Walker

The soundtrack of Frederik IX perfectly captures the regal and elegant essence of the King of Denmark. The music reflects his charismatic and approachable personality, creating a sense of warmth and connection with the listeners.

Elizabeth Green

The soundtrack of Frederik IX beautifully captures the essence of the King's reign, blending regal and classical elements with a touch of modernity that reflects his approachable style and musical talents.

Nancy Thompson

The incorporation of traditional Danish music elements in the soundtrack pays homage to Frederik IX's love for his country's culture and heritage, adding an authentic touch that resonates with the historical significance of his reign.

Melissa Thompson

The soundtrack of Frederik IX failed to capture the essence of his informal and approachable style, missing the opportunity to reflect the King's unique personality that endeared him to the Danish people. The music felt generic and lacked the emotional depth needed to truly honor his legacy.

Joshua Turner

I was truly impressed by how the soundtrack of Frederik IX pays homage to the King's legacy as a supporter of the arts and culture. The orchestral pieces are rich and emotive, providing a fitting backdrop to the story of Denmark's Golden Age under his reign.