Full Moon in Paris is a French film directed by Eric Rohmer. The story follows a young woman named Louise who is torn between her desire for independence and her need for companionship.
Louise enjoys her life in Paris, but she also craves the excitement of socializing and meeting new people. She decides to maintain two separate apartments - one in the city and one in the suburbs - in order to balance her need for solitude with her desire for company.
As Louise navigates the complexities of her relationships with various men, she must confront her own insecurities and fears. The film explores themes of love, loneliness, and self-discovery as Louise grapples with the conflicting desires of her heart.
Full Moon in Paris is a poignant and introspective look at the challenges of modern relationships and the search for personal fulfillment. Rohmer's sensitive direction and the nuanced performances of the cast make this film a must-see for fans of French cinema.