"Funny People" is a comedy-drama film directed by Judd Apatow. The movie follows the story of George Simmons, a successful comedian who is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Feeling lonely and isolated, George decides to reach out to his former stand-up protégé, Ira Wright, to help him write jokes and reconnect with the comedy world.
As George and Ira spend more time together, they form a unique bond that helps them both grow as individuals. Along the way, they navigate the ups and downs of the comedy industry, deal with personal struggles, and learn valuable lessons about friendship and forgiveness.
With a star-studded cast including Adam Sandler, Seth Rogen, and Leslie Mann, "Funny People" offers a blend of humor and heartwarming moments that will leave audiences both laughing and reflecting on the deeper themes of life and relationships.
Play | Title | Artist |
Funny People
Great Day
Real Love
Watching the Wheels (Acoustic)
We (Early Take)
Jesus, Etc. (Live Summer '08)
Carolina in My Mind
James Taylor:
George Simmons Soon Will Be Gone
Adam Sandler:
Keep Me in Your Heart
Numb as a Statue
All the King's Horses
Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth)
The Fat Mouse
Fire and Rain
James Taylor:
Diamond Dave
I Will Be Here for You
Man in the Box
Three Little Birds
(I've Had) the Time of My Life
In Private
Larry Goldings:
Got No Shadow
Junco Partner
Save It for Later
Love Is Strange
These Are the Kodak Moments
Billy Alessi:
I'm in the Mood for Love
Walk Like an Egyptian
Main Title/The Kids
David Newman:
(uncredited) (from the cat in the hat (2003)) composed
Jesus, Etc. (Live Summer '08)
Jeff Tweedy:
All the King's Horses
Robert Plant:
(I've Had) the Time of My Life
Franke Previte:
I'm in the Mood for Love
Jimmy McHugh: