Genghis Cohn is a dark comedy film that tells the story of a Jewish man named Ruben Cohn who dies in a concentration camp during World War II. However, instead of going to heaven or hell, he is sent back to Earth as a ghost to haunt the man responsible for his death, Adolf Hitler.
Ruben Cohn takes on the persona of Genghis Khan, a ruthless Mongol warrior, in order to strike fear into Hitler and make him pay for his crimes. As Genghis Cohn wreaks havoc on Hitler's life, he also forms an unlikely friendship with a young boy who can see and communicate with him.
The film explores themes of revenge, forgiveness, and the power of redemption as Genghis Cohn navigates his new existence as a vengeful ghost. With a mix of humor and heart, Genghis Cohn is a unique and thought-provoking take on the Holocaust and its aftermath.