Gone, But Not Forgotten Soundtrack (

Gone, But Not Forgotten Soundtrack (2003) cover

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Rating: 5.60/10 from 2500 votes
Tags: wrist, bandaged wrist
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Desaparece pero no se olvida

Title in Italiano:

Gone, But Not Forgotten

Title in Português:

Gone, But Not Forgotten


Gone, But Not Forgotten

Drew (Aaron Orr) is a forest ranger who meets yuppie Mark (Matthew Montgomery) after he falls while rock climbing. Mark wakes up in the hospital with amnesia and sees that Drew has remained by his side since the accident. Drew barely holds his post as a ranger thanks to family ties, and his new love-interest, Mark, compels him to put this post into jeopardy. Drew offers to move in with Mark to help him out until he regains his memory, which propels the two men into a passionate affair. Drew struggles with the burden of both parents' deaths and his role in the remaining Parker family. As Mark's memory returns, he must make a choice between love in the prior life he is recalling and the current love he has nurtured and fostered between Drew. Mark must reconcile how he has transitioned his personality after amnesia with how he behaved and treated his lover before his loss of memory. It's complicated.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Gone, But Not Forgotten
Jamie Coon: Writer
Jamie Coon: Performer
Staring Straight Into the Sun
Jared Young: Writer
Jared Young: Performer
Jared Young: Produced
Touch Me
Jamie Coon: Writer
Jamie Coon: Performer
Pat Evans: Produced
In the Morning
Jamie Coon: Writer
Jamie Coon: Performer
Breathe in All Around
Shaun Cromwell: Writer
Shaun Cromwell: Performer

User reviews

Joseph Nelson

Overall, the music in Gone, But Not Forgotten enhances the viewing experience and elevates the emotional impact of the story.

Robert King

The soundtrack of Gone, But Not Forgotten perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the characters' relationships and inner struggles.

Thomas Thomas

I found the soundtrack of Gone, But Not Forgotten to be lacking in emotional depth and failed to enhance the storytelling of the film. The music felt generic and uninspired, failing to capture the complexities of the characters' relationships and internal struggles.

Margaret Wilson

The music in the film effectively mirrors the evolving relationship between Drew and Mark, from the initial spark of attraction to the challenging decisions they must face as Mark's memory returns.

Sarah Rodriguez

The use of instrumental pieces in key scenes adds a layer of intensity and depth to the narrative, enhancing the emotional impact of pivotal moments in the story.

Timothy Hernandez

Each track enhances the storytelling and adds another layer of complexity to the characters' relationships.

Charles Moore

Overall, the soundtrack of the film enhances the viewing experience by immersing the audience in the poignant and intricate world of Drew and Mark, making their journey of love and self-discovery even more captivating and memorable.

Kenneth Brown

The soundtrack of Gone, But Not Forgotten perfectly captures the emotional depth of the complex love story between Drew and Mark. Each track enhances the romantic tension and inner struggles of the characters.

Laura Allen

The music seamlessly transitions between moments of passion and moments of introspection, mirroring the characters' emotional arcs.

Melissa Martin

The soundtrack of Gone, But Not Forgotten perfectly captures the emotional depth of the characters' journey.

Donna Young

The haunting melodies and poignant lyrics of the soundtrack linger in the mind long after the movie ends, leaving a lasting impact on the viewer's heart and soul.

Betty Lee

The soundtrack's repetitive use of generic background music became distracting and did not effectively convey the emotional weight of key scenes in the film. It felt like a missed opportunity to elevate the viewer's experience and connect them more deeply to the characters' journeys.

Mark Hill

Each musical piece beautifully complements the evolving dynamics between Drew and Mark, enhancing the audience's connection to their story and dilemmas.

Richard Miller

The haunting melodies in the soundtrack evoke a sense of longing and nostalgia, mirroring the characters' internal conflicts and the choices they must make between past and present love.

Emily Taylor

The music in Gone, But Not Forgotten not only complements the on-screen performances but also serves as a powerful storytelling tool, conveying the characters' inner turmoil and conflicting emotions with remarkable clarity.

Betty Hall

The soundtrack effectively conveys the internal struggles and conflicts faced by the characters, adding depth to their development.

Andrew Brown

Overall, the soundtrack of Gone, But Not Forgotten left me feeling underwhelmed and disconnected from the narrative. It failed to leave a lasting impression or evoke any strong emotional responses, ultimately falling short of enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Donna Wilson

The score is hauntingly beautiful and stays with you long after the movie ends, evoking a sense of nostalgia.

Charles Davis

The use of different instruments and melodies creates a rich tapestry of sound that complements the film's visuals.

Donald Hall

The soundtrack's blend of soft ballads and stirring orchestral arrangements creates a rich tapestry of emotions that resonate with the audience, drawing them deeper into the film's heart-wrenching storyline.