Goodbye Lady Liberty Soundtrack (

Goodbye Lady Liberty Soundtrack (1989) cover

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Alternate Names:
Title in Italiano:

Lupin III: Il virus Beta


Lupin steals all the computer files on every crime he commented. And the only way to erase them all is by using the Ultra virus which is capable to delete well protected information. To get it Lupin will need the help of Micheal a boy genius, and steal the Statue of Liberty which has a diamond which is linked to the ultra-virus.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Goodbye Lady Liberty
Endoresu towairaito - Saigo no shinju
Yoshiko Miura: (endless twilight - the last pearl) lyrics
Yoshiko Miura: Lyrics
Yuji Ohno: Arrangement
Yuji Ohno: Performer
Akemi Keida: Performer