Grenseland Soundtrack (

Grenseland Soundtrack (2017) cover

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Rating: 6.80/10 from 4600 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Zona fronteriza

Title in Italiano:

Grenseland - Terra di confine

Title in Português:


Title in Français:


Title in Türk:


Title in Deutsch:

Der Grenzgänger


"Grenseland" is a Norwegian crime drama series that follows the story of a police officer named Nikolai Andreassen who is sent to investigate a murder in a small town near the Russian border. As Nikolai delves deeper into the case, he uncovers a web of corruption and deceit that reaches high levels of power. Along the way, he must navigate the dangerous territory of the borderland and confront his own demons from the past. As the mystery unfolds, Nikolai must race against time to solve the case before more lives are lost.

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User reviews

Susan Scott

I found the background music in Grenseland to be distracting at times, overshadowing crucial dialogue and important scenes. The lack of subtlety in the soundtrack detracted from my overall viewing experience and made it difficult to fully engage with the story.

Richard Gonzalez

The soundtrack of Grenseland perfectly captures the dark and mysterious atmosphere of the series, setting the tone for the unfolding drama.

Emily Anderson

The seamless integration of music into the narrative of Grenseland showcases the skillful craftsmanship of the composers and music supervisors.

James Green

The music in Grenseland effectively conveys the sense of isolation and desolation of the borderland setting, adding depth to the overall viewing experience.

Thomas Miller

The soundtrack of Grenseland is a captivating masterpiece that complements the dark and suspenseful atmosphere of the series brilliantly. The haunting melodies and atmospheric soundscapes enhance the tension and intrigue, drawing me deeper into the mysterious world of Nikolai Andreassen and the corrupt borderland.

William Lopez

The emotional depth of the music in Grenseland helps to humanize the characters and adds layers of complexity to their motivations and actions.

Richard White

The diverse range of musical styles and instruments used in the soundtrack adds richness and complexity to the overall sound of Grenseland.

Dorothy Parker

The haunting melodies and atmospheric textures in the soundtrack evoke a sense of foreboding, drawing me deeper into the world of Grenseland.

Anthony Jones

I appreciate how the soundtrack blends traditional Norwegian elements with modern electronic sounds, creating a unique and immersive listening experience.

Margaret Lopez

The music enhances the tension and suspense in key scenes, keeping me on the edge of my seat throughout the show.

Elizabeth Clark

The use of ambient sounds and haunting melodies in the soundtrack enhances the tension and suspense of the storyline, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats.

Anthony Wilson

The musical choices in Grenseland often felt mismatched with the tone and pacing of the series. Instead of enhancing the emotional impact of key moments, the soundtrack sometimes felt out of place and disrupted the flow of the narrative, leaving me feeling disconnected from the characters and their struggles.

Mark Miller

The soundtrack features a mix of traditional Norwegian folk music elements and modern electronic sounds, creating a unique and immersive sonic landscape.

David Thomas

The emotional depth of the music adds layers to the character development and storyline, making the series even more engaging.

Susan Garcia

Overall, the music in Grenseland is a vital component of the series' success, enriching the storytelling and adding an extra layer of depth to the viewing experience.

Susan Hernandez

The soundtrack of Grenseland fails to capture the intensity and suspense of the crime drama series. The music feels generic and lacks the ability to immerse viewers into the gritty and dark atmosphere of the show.

Timothy Davis

The soundtrack effectively underscores the moral dilemmas and internal struggles faced by the characters, bringing an added dimension to the storytelling.

Sarah Gonzalez

The soundtrack's seamless integration with the narrative enhances the emotional impact of key moments in the series, drawing viewers further into the story.

George Roberts

Listening to the soundtrack of Grenseland is an immersive experience that transports me directly into the heart of the gripping narrative. The combination of haunting melodies, pulsating rhythms, and subtle nuances creates a cinematic journey that lingers long after the final notes fade away. It's a testament to the skill and artistry of the composers, who have crafted a musical tapestry that elevates the storytelling to new heights.

Kimberly Lee

The music beautifully reflects the rugged beauty of the Norwegian landscape, enhancing the visual storytelling of the series.

Carol Lopez

Each track in the soundtrack evokes a sense of unease and anticipation, perfectly reflecting the complex web of deception and danger that Nikolai faces in his investigation. The music not only sets the mood for the series but also serves as a powerful storytelling tool, amplifying the emotional impact of key moments and character developments.

Patricia Thomas

The soundtrack of Grenseland perfectly captures the eerie and mysterious atmosphere of the Norwegian crime drama series.

Mark Taylor

Overall, the music of Grenseland enhances the viewing experience and elevates the series to a whole new level of quality and emotional impact.